Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm ALIVE & ALL is well!

Hi fellow blogger friends! Let's just say......"I'm BACK!"

I never intended to take such a long break nor did I intend to lose touch with all of you guys. One thing led to another, and well needless to say, I pretty much have spiraled out of control.

I have recently opened up a vinyl monogramming business in partnership with my future mother-in-law. We have been SLAMMED. It all started about the week I quit blogging... say, October something? We actually started out slowly by selling Geneva Silicone Watches & little what-nots that could be monogrammed easily. Shortly after, we began broadening our inventory daily. We purchased a domain, a website, an online storefront, a few machines, hundreds of sheets of vinyl, ohhhhhh the list continues... picture frames, clipboards, notepads, re-usable totes, glass plates and platters, buckets, tin pails, baby items, glassware, glass blocks, ornaments, etc.

Since we had such a short amount of time to get the business up and running prior to the holidays, we worked 24/7. FYI: staying up till midnight or later e.v.e.r.y. single night and waking at the crack of dawn just isn't my thing. But I did it. We pushed forward and although it didn't seem like progress at the time, we have certainly came a LONG way from the very first day when this whole business was just an "idea" being tossed around in our heads. 

Now that Christmas and the Holiday's are over, business has began to slow down and I have a few moments to catch back up on the life I've put on hold for quite some time now. I hope to take it back a few months and catch up on posting about things that have happened and document this whole "business" process. I want to one day look back and see how far we've came.

For those of you that are interested, feel free to take a look at our website: theembellishboutique.com
Also, "Like" us on Facebook!

Here are a few store photos.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!
I can't wait to catch up on everyone's stories & share some of my lost time :)


  1. I was just thinking about you the other day!

    What a fun store y'all have! I drive through Pembroke on the way to work so I'll have to stop by one day :)

  2. I have been wondering where you have been! I will check out your new business.

  3. I thought about you the other day. Glad all is good and getting back to "normal". I'll be checking out your website soon.

  4. Yaaaaay! Caitlin is BACK! Geez, I've missed you. However, I know you've been extremely busy!
    I love my clip board by the way! :) Glad to hear business is slammed. That's always nice!

    Welcome back Cait!
