Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week 16

How far along? 16 weeks

Baby Size? an avacado - speaking of an avacado, this past weekend while eating out at a local Mexican restaurant I opted to try out Cliff's side dish of guacamole for his fajitas. Lo and behold, that stuff was delicious! I'm not sure why I've never tried it until now! Yet, I vaguely remember trying it years and years ago and it having an awful bitter taste. So maybe it was just a mental block for me until this past weekend? Who knows. All I know is I will be ordering a side dish of my own next time we opt to eat Mexican.

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 7 lbs - Dr visit on Wednesday proved I have gained an additional few pounds since the last visit. First OB appointment back in April starting weight was around 135. I am now... 142. Ouch. I've never seen the 140's. It's a little terrifying for me.

Maternity Clothes? still a no.

Stretch Marks? none so far.

Sleep? off and on. I found myslef waking up on average three times a night. I get up usually one out of the three to use the bathroom and the rest I wake myself up from tossing and turning constantly. This week, I struggled getting back to sleep after the current wake-up. It's almost taking me an hour each time to fall back asleep. Not cool.

Best Moment this Week? Hearing our baby's heartbeat on the doppler! The heart rate was at 162. According to the ole' wives tales, fast heart rate over 140 means it's a little girl! We shall see!

Miss anything? my favorite jeans - they have officially gotten to the point they are almost impossible to button.

Movement? none. feeling a little more tugging and pulling this week. can definitely feel the round ligament pain when i move a certain way too fast. Doc said it shouldn't be too much longer before I begin to feel the first few flutters!

Food Cravings?  mexican food. chocolate milk. tomatoes. no, not all at once. haven't hit that stage just yet.

Anything make you sick or queasy? nada, I've been rather fortunate I haven't had any bouts with sickness. This week and last, I noticed an increase in headaches.. something I never experience. Actually, just a few weeks ago I told a friend I hardly have ever dealt with headaches before. Obviously, I forgot to knock on wood because they decided to come and stay a while. Doc recommended Tylenol Extra Strength to take care of them and then prescribed me an additional drug of choice in case the Tylenol didn't do the job. I walked out of the pharmacy on Friday with prenatal vitamins, tylenol, and some new facial wipes to help out with this hormonal-affected face of mine.

Have you started to show yet? yes'm. some days it seems bigger than others. guess it depends on how much of an appetite i have for that particular day.

Gender? Won't know for certain until July 18th - follow along as we plan the gender reveal party!

Labor signs? none.

Belly Button in or out? in.

Wedding Rings on or off? on.

Happy or Moody? happy!

Looking forward to? Feeling the first movements & baby shopping!


  1. My little BOY had the same rate at 16 weeks :)

  2. How can I get ahold of you through e-mail? I have a blog-favor!

    1. Hi Jen! You can reach me at

  3. CONGRATS on your pregnancy! It is so exciting, I am also a first time momma 21 weeks pregnant and I just started feeling her move about a week ago. It is one of the best, most annoying feelings :] As if we arent already up enough during the night it keeps you up even more. Good Luck with everything looking forward to hearing more about your pregnancy && your gender reveal party!
