Happy Friday Everyone!
No class nor clinicals today for me! Whoo-hoooo :) Yesterday I spent the day at a local middle school doing our school nurse rotations. It was fun!
I've been keeping up with a few fun blogs now for months.
One of which, come to find out, went to Georgia Southern and lives pretty close.
She graduated from there with an Education degree and has since not been able to find a full-time job due to the economic madness going on throughout the school systems. She has done what she could, substituting and filling in as much as possible. Along and along, she has had several interviews and as of Wednesday, she is now a full-time TEACHER! She is soo sweet & I just know those kids will be truly blessed to have her as their teacher. Congrats again girlie :)
Meet Jamie!
On a second note, Lyndsie over at A Love Worth Waiting For has not only won the victory over ovarian cancer [-not once, but twice-], she is now is going to be blessed with a precious baby girl! She is truly an amazing person and God is doing miraculous work in their lives! Not too long ago, she posted her testimony. It's a prime example of the buoyantly strong-willed and highly devoted Christian that Lyndsie really is. Once she let herself go, and let God take the wheel, miracles began to take place. I'm so happy for her and Daniel as they begin a new chapter in their lives. Congrats to you both! I can't wait to hear more about Miss Aubrey Ann!
I ran across this video of FB just the other day and I have been completely amazed since.
Meet Rhema Marvanne, a 7 year old girl who lost her Mom to ovarian cancer back in 2008.
What a beautiful voice she has been blessed with!
Be sure to check out her music website here.
Click on her "about" section and watch that video as well.
Such a great way to begin the morning! :)
Today, I have decided to link up and play along with the Follow Me Friday blog parties!

I stole this from Lyndsie's blog because I thought it fit perfect for today's post.
May God bless all of these wonderful women mentioned above ♥
"Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
Psalm 37:4