Thursday, February 3, 2011

14 days of l♥ve: day 3

 Today's challenge: Post a pic of a movie you think reminds you of LOVE (Romantic, romantic comedy, action mr. & mrs. Smith) it doesn't even have to be LOVE related, if you watch it with someone you LOVE and it's your favorite movie because of it than post it! You can 'splain why it's your favorite movie or not it is totally up to you.

 Cliff introduced me to this movie when we first started dating years back. At first, I was like "what?? you want me to watch whattt?" But, after sitting down {and realizing Dolly Parton played a major role in it} I l♥ve it! We watch it all the time while singing and dancing along to all of the songs :)

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
starring Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds

{before watching make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and put my music on pause!}


  1. I have never seen this movie! but I like Dolly Parton!

  2. haha! Love it....The hubs introduced me to this movie too and I was like you want me to watch what....LOL sooo funny and then I watched it and I really liked it because of Bert Reynolds and Dolly Parton

    Your blog is super cute....thanks for joining in! You guys are such a cute couple and I love this song on your blog


  3. I am not familiar with this movie but I love Dolly Parton. She has such an amazing voice.

